
aware & authentic Sustainable travel

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First Place for Oberstdorf

Oberstdorf is very delighted about an outstanding success: in the competition for the "most sustainable holiday destination in Germany" Oberstdorf won first place in the category "starter". This award expresses the appreciation for the constant commitment of Oberstdorf to support and promote a sustainable and climate-friendly travel industry.

Our anchor for a gentle and sustainable holiday in Oberstdorf / Allgäu Alps.
Primal Forces of Nature

Finally it´s time. Time for a holiday in Oberstdorf embedded in an untouched and intact nature, offering spectacular views of the alpine panorama, three altitudes and authentic regional specialties.

Our capital is the unique mountain nature of the Allgäu Alps, which surround the community of Oberstdorf. Here we follow the four natural elements fire, water, air and earth. To maintain, preserve and protect this precious heritage we conciously take responsibility for the future, thus enabling future generations to enjoy and disover Oberstdorf to the full.


Element Luft

pure, free und clean
Being a health resort since 1937, Oberstdorf was additionaly awarded in 2002 with the classification premium class. Oberstdorf offer pure air, especiall low in pollen and allergen.

Freshness • Quality • Cleanness •
Health Climate


Element Erde

Precious, Rooted and Fertile
Earth, nature and mountains are the basis of our landscape. Regional products of local farmers taste natural and authentic - a blessing for body, mind and soul.

Mountain Forest • Nature • Silence • Power • Secureness • Fertility


Element Wasser

clear, mysterious, powerful
Strengthen your body and mind at murmuring brooks, turquoise clear lakes and rivers, wild waterfalls or freezing Kneipp facilities. Oberstdorf has been a Kneipp health resort since 1964.

Natural Lakes • Sources • Wild Brook • Ice • Waterfall • Snow • Kneipp • Drinking Water


Element Feuer

Warm, powerful and passionate
An open fire with rising flames, a hot sauna session or the heat from the sun in high mountain ranges attract us magically and re-energize us.

Altitudes • Insights and Views • Sun •
Strenght Donor • Heat

Together for a sustainable holiday in Oberstdorf

You probably have already thought about ideas to reduce ressources at home or consume more conciously. We would like to invite you to focus on sustainability during your holiday as well. Our environment, the residents of Oberstdorf and your host are happy and thankful for your contribution. Together we can have great impact with many small steps.
Climate-friendly travel

Already starts with the planning of a sustainable journey, meaning to create as little emissions as possible. Have you ever thought about going withour your car and use public transportation instead?

Give it a try. Lean back and enjoy the view through the windows while travelling - without any traffic jam or rush. At your holiday destination Oberstdorf the train station is located directly in the centre and close to the central bus station.

Ankunft in Oberstdorf
For a climate-friendly mobility on site

There are many ways. Either on foot, by bike, in a horse-drawn carriage, with the local conch train "Oberstdorfer Marktbähnle" or by bus. As our overnight guest you also benefit from our offer "Bus inklusive" (bus included).

Less traffic load, less exhaust gases, less noise - by every concious use of transporation CO² emissions can be avoided, simultaniously making it possible to protect our unique mountain nature, the climate and of course, ourselves in the end.

Fahrt nach Oberstdorf
Welcoming hosts...

care about your well-being and are an important part of soft tourism. Sustainable hosts attach importance to a climate-friendly and resource-friendly management, they care about the needs of their guests and contribute to the protection of nature and to the support of a sustainable holiday.

Join us! With every small and concious step you create a more sustainble holiday:

  • Reduce your energy consumption.
  • Avoid waste.
  • Save water and use your towels for several days.
  • Support local shops.
  • Get informed about the sustainability of your accommodation and the climate-friendly services offered.
Entspannter Urlaub
Regional Focus...

can be enjoyed and experienced very closely. Clear air, clear water and people who care about the conservation of their countryside very gently: dairy industry determines the work of our farmers.

For the county of the "Oberallgäu" the meaning of farming lies on the sustainable conservation of the cultural landscape as well as natural products of milk, cheese, meat and traditional breeds.

Farming ist more than tradition or craft. Here are our top 3 tips for you:

  • Do you alread know our direct sellers? These regional products are also good for a present at home.
  • Visit one of our managed huts in summertime and enjoy the delicious snack called "Brotzeit" and the fantastic view.
  • Meet local people and search for a talk with them. In this direct talk you learn much more about Oberstdorf.
Brotzeit auf der Piesenalpe
Adventures at your holiday destination Oberstdorf...

are experiences collected and experienced together by young and old alike. Several sections are waiting for you, from sportive adventures, health offers and guided tours to guided walks and hikes including experience trips.

Immerse yourself in these experiences and plan your unforgettable and sustainable holidays. Here you get some tips:

  • Culinary Tour: Discover our local cuisine or visit our traditional weekly food market. What about a cooking class for your kids?
  • Guided tour: take a journey back with our tour guides and learn more about specialties.
  • Hiking: enjoy the best places around Oberstdorf during a half-day or full day hiking tour.
Zwischen Farn und Moos
Our unique mountain nature is...

home of very rare and often protected animals and plants. Breathe in our fresh mountain air and disvocer the beautiful landscape of the Allgäu Alps. Did you know tha the reason for the variety is lying below ground? The various rock materials offer perfect conditions for many different animal and plant species. Since 1992 an area of 20.724 hectare is designated as a nature conservation area. Huge parts of the area are part of the European protected natural habits, for which special protection rules apply. In 2002 the area was reported as a "Nature 2000 area".

Please follow the advice below for more respect and a good cooperation in nature:

  • Follow the signs about nature conservation and about hiking trail closures and stay on your trail.
  • Please put a leash on your dog and don´t forget to clean up after your dog.
  • Please do not leave any garbage behind in nature and take note of the separation of garbage.
Alpenrosen in den Bergen
More useful information for your concious holidays
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