
All year round and at 3 altitudes Hiking

Bergtour zu dritt
Hiking at three altitudes

Do you feel a tingling in your toes when you look at these pictures? 

Feel like you’re living in an ever-faster moving world? One where you’re facing increasing daily demands and have little time for your friends and family. This makes it all the more important to take some time out occasionally, catch your breath and slow things down for a while. A long hike is a great way to do this.

Step by step, you progress at your own pace without any external distractions – except for the spectacular views of the surrounding mountains of course. Often, you’re completely alone with your thoughts in the midst of the diverse natural landscape. As you reach the summit, you feel proud of what you have achieved. It’s successful experiences like these that bring you happiness and create fond memories. After all, what could be better after a strenuous hike in the mountains than reminiscing about your summit climb over a hearty sandwich in a cosy hut?

When taking time out, it’s not about climbing as many mountains as possible, but simply about getting out into nature and enjoying the healing properties of the Oberstdorf air. Spanning over 200 kilometres, the hiking network offers a route for everyone.

Choose whether to marvel at the impressive mountain summits from the Oberstdorf side valleys or to start by acclimatising at mid-altitude before venturing up to the high-Alpine peaks. Of course, you don’t have to head out on your own: if you prefer hiking with others, the extensive hiking programme offered by Tourism Oberstdorf is the perfect solution.

For beginners to very experienced hikers
Tour suggestions

If you dream of experiencing nature at its most pure and unspoiled, you should visit Oberstdorf’s side valleys at least once in your lifetime. Nestled between steep mountain faces, these valleys are closed off to excursion traffic and make for interesting destinations for a day trip, as well as pleasant cycling routes and hiking and walking trails.

Freundliches Grüßen beim Wandern

Most of the lush, green, farmed Alpine huts with cattle are situated at mid altitude. This explains why first thing every morning, you’ll hear the cowbells ringing as the mist clears over the meadows of Oberstdorf and the air fills with the mingling scents of grass, pines and spruce trees. At this time of day, the peaks of the surrounding mountains are still hidden behind the clouds, which will disperse with the first warming rays of the sun.

gemeinsame Wanderung

In addition to hiking options in the valley and at mid altitude, Oberstdorf offers an impressive array of mountain hikes through Alpine and high Alpine terrain. Nowhere can these kinds of summits be found as predominantly as in the Oberstdorf mountains.

Bergtour in der Gruppe
Hut hikes

All of the hikes up to the shelters/mountain lodges in the Allgäu Alps around Oberstdorf, which range from easy to challenging, offer a unique experience of the mountain landscape. Basic Alpine equipment is essential for all such hikes.

Activity programme

Your Allgäu Walser Premium Card enables you to partake in numerous activity programmes within the scope of the visitor programme, including tours, taster courses and much more. Activities can be booked online in advance until 4 p.m. the previous day under the respective event on our website or at the Tourist Information Offices in Oberstdorf itself. Exception: events on a Monday afternoon can be booked until 11 a.m. on the day of the event.

Mit der Gruppe unterwegs
Cable cars
Diverse, exciting and family friendly – the six large hiking areas in Oberstdorf and the Kleinwalsertal valley offer unique mountain experiences for people of all ages.
How to behave in the mountains
Follow the basic rules below for unforgettable and, above all, safe trips into the mountains
Via ferratas
The courageously and adventurously created iron ways in the Allgäu Alps are among the most popular and most scenic via ferratas in the Alps.
Dairy huts
Dairy huts or “Sennalpen” are situated on Alpine pastures where dairy cows are reared. These are milked twice a day. The farmer, who is usually also a dairyman and therefore a qualified cheesemaker, uses the milk to create our fabulous mountain cheese.
Objective and local

The Alpine information available in Oberstdorf is unlike any other in the Alps, with everything you need to know about the entire hiking region on a single website. The site is packed with so much detailed information that it should answer virtually any question you may have. It’s the ideal starting point for planning all activities in Oberstdorf’s great outdoors.

• Basic information about route descriptions
• Information about equipment
• Detailed weather information for all altitude levels
• Specific information about the accessibility of individual route sections
• Newly published, detailed route descriptions with elevation profiles and GPS downloads

All essential information, including the daily mountain sports report, can be found online at:

Bergtour über dem Rappenalptal

The interactive 3D map provides you with an ideal overview of the impressive landscape as well as all leisure activities and general holiday information relating to Oberstdorf.
The map provides live data about open hiking trails, routes between shelters, cross-country skiing trails, ski areas, cycling routes, leisure activities as well as cafés, restaurants and other great places to stop for a break. It also helps you navigate your way around on local public transport

Der digitale Bergsportbericht

You’re on the right track in Oberstdorf! All hiking trails are optimally signed to guide you on your way. Please note that the signs show times rather than distances.

< Click to enlarge

Special offer
Cable cars Unlimited

During the summer, tickets for the Oberstdorf Kleinwalsertal Bergbahnen (cable cars) can be booked free of charge through participating hosts in Oberstdorf. Enjoy boundless cable car travel as often as you like with views over the Allgäu Alps.

Tip: Car-free travel
Free bus travel

Overnight visitors in Oberstdorf with a valid visitor card, the Allgäu Walser Premium Card, can enjoy free bus travel on various lines in the local area. The public transport services provide a convenient and sustainable way to get to several starting points and destinations, such as cross-country skiing trails or the cable cars.

Line 9763
Spielmannsau mountain climbers’ bus line

...runs from Oberstdorf past the golf course and lthe Christlessee lake to Spielmannsau – and can be used by anyone. The small, Alpine settlement in the heart of the Trettachtal valley some seven kilometres south of Oberstdorf is the perfect starting point for many hikes. Thanks to its proximity to the Kemptner Hütte, for example, this even includes hikes along the E5 European long-distance hiking route from Oberstdorf to Merano in Italy.

Guided hikes with mountain schools

Bergschule Oberallgäu

Immer auf der Höhe !

Edelweißstraße 5
Tel. +49 8321 4953
Bergwandern E5 Aufsteig zur Braunschweiger Hütte

Alpinschule Oberstdorf

Der Bergreise - Partner

Im Oberen Winkel 12a
Tel. +49 8322 940750
IMG 2734

Aktiv am Berg

Bergschule Oberstdorf

Am Faltenbach 2a
Tel. +49 8322 6126

OASE AlpinCenter

mountaineering school located in Oberstdorf.

Bahnhofpl. 5/ am Gleis 1
Tel. +49 8322 8000980

Your enquiry to Tourismus Oberstdorf


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